Your Power of Momentum Trainers

Scott Harris Learn More

Scott Harris

Scott Harris has worked with many of the world’s most influential forces such as Donald Trump, Sir Richard Branson, Robert Kiyosaki and T Harv Eker Having taught his own wealth psychology & strategy seminars and led intense business development programs; Scott’s range of content & expertise is both wide & deep. He is deeply committed to coaching as a powerful tool for causing massive shifts in people & creating lasting results. He ‘ll show you how you can effectively share your expertise coaching, mentoring and inspiring onstage while getting paid what you’re really worth.

Scott Harris

Tony Robbins’ #1 trainer, ultimate expert coach

A Wealth & Personal Performance Strategist & Coach, Scott’s knowledge and experience includes over 20 years working with Tony Robbins.

In addition to his own coaching events he also presents Tony’s ‘Life Mastery’ & ‘Wealth Mastery’ programs.

Andrew Baxter Learn More

Andrew Baxter

Backed up by decades of real life, hands on, trading experience in a career that took off in London, he developed a broad-based expertise in trading and investing across global markets.

Andrew has spoken around the World and alongside such outstanding figures as Sir Richard Branson, Robert Kiyosaki, Tony Robbins and to audiences for the ASX, Australian Financial Review, the National Achievers Congress plus many more.

By breaking things down into plain English with a simple to follow, simple to apply range of strategies, Andrew Baxter is a true leader in personal finance. Andrew will cover:

  • The skills & strategy for creating immediate & regular income
  • Profiting from virtually any conditions in the market
  • How technology helps level the playing field for investors
  • Mastering the mindset that will help set you financially free

Andrew Baxter

Investor, author, philanthropist, financial educator

Andrew Baxter is regarded as one of the World’s best and most sought after stock market speakers.

He has built a reputation for helping everyday people build their knowledge, confidence, and ultimately, game plan for a better, healthier financial future.